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this is great

dude ... such a nice game ... I super like the stile ... can't get enough with ... keep it up !!

Love this game and play it a lot. Hope to see a full version.

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Oh shoot there is one LMFAO. Thats so sick. yall should advertise in the itch build that there is one I had no clue until deciding just now to leave a comment!

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where's the full version?? (edit: nvm I found it) It's on the steam page

wow this game has come along way since the alpha, checkout the modern version on steam

link to steam page:

I can confirm the link  does go to this game's steam page

I only have uh one problem that problem is somethings are not avaible for mobile users or me using a laptop

Incredible graphics, gameplay. I like it. You may add some story maybe and an intro?  

How do u use potions great game btw pls keep developing

Just click them.

Like click them to pick them up

Oh, you mean how do you collect them when they're dropped. For that, all you have to do is walk onto the tile, or just finish the fight (then they'll get picked up automatically)

But once u collect them how do u use them

Simply click on them. They don't even use a turn so you can just stack potion effects.


The gameplay is fast-paced, and there’s a lot of depth in how you approach each battle. The art style is awesome, and it keeps you coming back for more. 

(1 edit) (+1)

This is just Alpha? 

 Great game; reminds me of the golden age of Flash games. Absolutely loved it, and there is a lot to do for completitionists. 

  I can picture a full game with more weapons, characters, and story to it on Steam.

Just learned the complete version is out and on steam. Amazing work!


love it


I really enjoed the game. Nice work


mt bom


Incredible, played for ~10 hours and it didn't bore me at all! Some minor annoyances, such as clicking a readied skill = unready-ing it (misclicks happen) and no keyboard-key for turning around, but like I said: minor annoyances.

voobshe kaif

nice game

(1 edit)

How do you play on Chromebook with no mouse. I have no middle click

Edit: nvm I'm so dumb

wait do you know how 2 turn around?

yeah, I didn't see the keyboard controls lol

great game

Please port to Android

w game bro (tho it does piss me off)


Amazing game. 


so amazing!


Absolute masterpiece


best game I've played (good job you absolute genius absolutely beautiful of a masterful game) 


Nice game here, and really nice move on switch. I love this kind of game design. Thank you


Cooldown-less Free Play Smoke Bomb -> Cooldownless Free Play Dash evades everything that isn't a Swirlbot sandwiched by you and an enemy

Because this is definitely something that can actually happen in a normal run and isn't just theory

Cool game, great design

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Grappling hook + war fan + smokebomb is great

how is it good you pull, push then swap it is better to do push then swap (unless its just the moves in general/together.)

Its more damage lol


It would be amazing if you put a numerical shortcut for skills!


Any chance of the full game coming to Itch?

(1 edit)

The game has been 100%,

best run:definitely the one that got me 3 achievements on hard mode in one, 

fastest run: 8:28 hard mode Assassin

Thanks to double-strike 6 damage arrow for its help in this challenge


The only thing left to do is the "clear All Data" button.

Awesome game, 10/10, thanks for this beautiful experience. KEEP DEVELOPING.

Now rate this out of 10

Nintendo Switch Version is wayyy to fucking good

Tell me how this can fail

Finally got all hard difficulty patches on all characters! Time to focus on faster runs!

My insanely broken weapon of choice is doublestrike bow/shuriken with 5 (or 6 on hard difficulty) damage.

Try cooldown-less 6 damage trap, it is seriously broken and still "easy" to get requiring about 5 update slots, four if you are lucky. Or how about literally any ranged weapon with cooldown-less ice.

I'm not saying that doublestrike shuriken is broken, but I would suggest trying other combos and see which one fits better your fighting style.

Its good. But i dont know, why shadow hasn't smoke bomb

The first picture is my most tragic run, and the second picture is me finally beating the shogun a few days later (took like more than 10 runs in total)

In my tragic run, his last attack was smoke bomb and he was ready to attack. My plan was to swap and backout. However, my swap was one turn away from being available, so as I was putting backout in my attack loadout thing, the shogun attacked and I died since I had 1 hp left and didn't drink my health pot. I counted it as a win, but I was so mad. Then after 6 days, in my first run of the day, I beat the frigging shogun.

finally got the 15 minute achievement.  Now just the 50 combo left.

GUYS, rate this:

8/10. woud be 10/10 if in the main game

Thanks a lot, now I'm going for the other characters, I'll keep you'll updated

Came back to play this game because it is so good!

Also is it me or shouldn't lightning have an electric effect cuz that is what is?

seems logic, but it would be way to op for some stuff, like kowa for example (he would take a lot of extra damage from the lighnting effect by hiding behind troops)


Hey! Will there ever be an Android release? I bought on Steam but would love to have it on my phone too.

can this game be resize in window because i want to sneaky play this game at work?

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