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Welp, there goes my evening


Could you add another character with 10 health other than The Wanderer?


Addiction activated

This game is very addicting to play


This is so goooood! I found my self playing for hours and just wanting to keep going. Im definitely wishlisting

pretty good but any character other than the wanderer is kindof weak. but very good nonetheless

we show down the shogun

(1 edit)

Wow a really cool game! Looking forward to it! Would be cool if it can be released on mobile!

i always die on hour of the dragon 2 or 3, does anyone have any tips???

Probably not what you're looking for, but try comboing the trap with the grapple, as it one shots all enemies. (except bosses)

this is actually a strategy i use every time i get them both :3 thank you

please make a version for android please this game is perfect

For some reason when the final boss hit me with a freeze I wasn't able to do anything including wait to the game isn't progressing


This would make a great iOS/iPad game. Hope this might be considered in the future.


love playing this game at school! keep it up


nice and well polished game! but all the characters are too weak except The Wanderer


Seems like a slight skill issue tbh, I've beaten the game with each character at least twice.


ocadac is true and each character has harder difficulty than the last one

Ronin real good ngl just dont get hit and/or get hp & shield upgrades


Cute, addicting little game. Enjoyed my time with it!

(1 edit) (+1)

Pls make a "Are you sure you want to clear all saved data?" message!!!

Nice game tho


Thanks for sharing this game , its very nice, simple, eyes catching pixel art, smooth and game play plus simple rules of , I mean not complex game.
very nice thank you

idk if its just me but the screen isn't filled all the way to the top, it's only an issue in the start menu but the background and other stuff like the title is only filled 3 quarters, the top quarter is just filled with black

still a great game tho


Thanks for this game! It's one of my favorit game for the last year. :)

How do you unlock all the characters? Also for the 3rd boss, Just place traps with double hit wait till he swaps and you good.

You need to go onto the places marked with question marks on the map and then go over to whichever character you need to unlock next!


This is a great project! I'll be waiting for the steam release.

hey pls make another armoury mines full


Kinda hard, took me like 10 attempts to defeat the final boss, but OOOOOOHHH it feels amasing after finally beating him. Btw i have a multiplayer suggestion:


It's the thing that we can play right now but with 2 players. First goes the P1, then P2 and then the enemies. If something does not trigger a turn a player can do it anytime even if it's not his turn. If one of the players presses the attack button but he can hit the other player with the attack, the game denies his desicion, and when the attack can hit both the player and the enemies the game gives him a comfirmation screen. Both players share the same card stock. While on split path in the map they both can choose their own place to go, but on the next fight they should be together. Also they can communicate with a chat.


In versus lobby you have your own character that you can upgrade and give some weapons to and there's also a "find match" button that sends you to the opponent, and the fight goes like a boss battle. The controls are mostly the same, except when you press the attack button your character actually prepares for the attack and releases it at the next turn


I had a blast playing this. Super clever and fun idea.  I love the bonus/malus system for the weapon. Also the more you play the more interesting it gets. Kinda makes me think of "Into the breach" in a way. I could play way more but I need... I need... to work now, weeell let's play one more game. :) Thanks. 


+ i too love "Into the breach" and this one alike. Both are

  • cross-platform
  • turn-based
  • input-agnostic: touch-screen / touchpad / mouse / keyboard / gamepad plays equally nice
  • rogue-like + solo toy-chess-feel –> weirdly satisfying replay-ability
  • cute-not-too-cute pixel art tuned for instant readability

I have played this game for probably 20+ Hours

Got all the achievements both on normal and hard mode with all the characters (only with normal mode for Swift Killer). The game is so enjoyable and diverse, there are literally so many different combinations to what you could do. Thank you Roboatino for making this game, and I look forward to what the game will be like in the future!


This game has such cool combat mechanics!


Only been playing this game for a little bit and already in love with it.

One request, though: a setting to disable scroll-based movement. I'm on a laptop right now and it's very easy to accidentally scroll on the trackpad, which has already gotten me killed once.


This game is fantastic. 100% buying the full thing on release.

It would be really cool if you could add an option to disable SFX, I sometimes like to listen to podcasts sometimes while playing this and they can be distracting.


Omg, this game is so good, gorgeous art, perfect gameplay. I can't believe this is a free game.


i love this game


craving for updates/full version realse <3

inconsistencies when using the scrolling wheel to move: spawning in and facing right, scrolling down moves one "forward" (to the right) and scrolling down moves one backward (right). Clicking the mouse wheel may swap this around, so that scrolling down may instead move you forward (relative to direction being faced) rather than backward, and vice versa. 
Requesting an option to toggle game sounds.

good game

I think there might be a glitch. I upgraded one of my weapons to have double strike, and it had a long wait time, but it acted as if it had zero wait time. it got fixed when I went to the next area on the map, but it would be nice if the developer fixed it. Or not, because it is a very beneficial bug. :)


There's a hidden mechanic (?) which resets all skills if you get a double kill, much easier to achieve with moves that can hit multiple targets such as Slash, Spear, and Shadow Step (can pass through more than one enemy if they are lined up). 

One thing that always gets me about this game is to choose the shadow or the traveler. the shadow has the better weapon, but less health. Love this game. it really makes you think. would be cool if after defeating bosses could play as them.


honestly i love controlling space with Ronin. you just need a way to hit ranged foes with 5 hp for a big chunk of damage so i usually take at least +1 on the spear, traps and hooks are helpful as well. I have yet to get good with assassin, but the super short-cooldown slash is very helpful and an easy upgrade target, all you need is range and/or a multihit like the spear or arrow, and you're largely fine.

i love assassin because the curse scroll lets you do good damage, ronin and wanderer are good too, and shadow is kinda.


Game was amazing have played it for about 8 hours all together. If it was not free, I would have bought it for ten 10$.  Looking forward for the full game launch.




i absolutely love this. this might be my favourite game on this entire website

Best time 18min

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