Loving this game so far. It would be nice to be able to know what an enemy attack does before it happens, but learning from experience hasn’t been too painful.
the first and 3rd boss are always possible to perfect and I think the final one is as well, the second boss is the only one you can't always perfect I think this needs to be changed as the "final boss" for where it is in the game is way easier than the second boss. I understand it freezing you is bad but I've only had it hit me once.
I think this could be done by implementing a weapon that turns you around and then attacks so you could always just swap with the boss or making a boss 2 parts so there was more of a challenge EX: splitting the double attack boss into 2 double attack bosses that are slightly different
Great game! You can easily outmanoeuvre the first boss, but aside from that the difficulty curve is already quite good, and I will definitely play again.
Is it intentional for the backstab perk's extra damage not to get doubled by a critical hit? I was noticing that it didn't multiply when I used the assassin's curse thing, for example 2 damage sword + 1 backstab perk + curse had an output of 5 damage.
Not sure if it's intentional or a bug, although I can understand if it wasn't because a bo -> curse -> sword attack queue could do some pretty unbalanced damage. As it is I was able to deal 11 damage in one hit with the level 3 backstab perk, which seems like a lot for just a few turns of setup
If there's two or more enemies, it deals 1 damage to the whole group as well as the attack's normal damage.
Probably the least useful of the elemental effects, but it only gives +1 cooldown so you can use it to take out fast enemies hiding behind tankier ones sometimes without much downside.
It makes so if two are more enemies that are next to each other, every enemy behind the one you hit takes 1 damage. It can be useful in certain situations.
This is a lot of fun, the trap is a bit OP, and the bomb is bad (in my opinion), I think the classes are interesting and are excited about more weapons and classes. One last thing, I think the Ronin need a minor buff like maybe 2 more HP or something. Overall, a lot of fun, and excited for more.
I would be upgrading spirit damage so fast lol, but maybe if it starts with only one upgrade slot that could work. Or even zero, that way every damage upgrade would require 2 upgrade screens. Otherwise people would get a 5 damage spirit and start blastin
love this game to the point where i'm challenging myself to do all obliteration on hard mode with each character. so far only completed wanderer here is my run for it even though i made multiple mistakes i managed to do it. finding all the other characters way harder then wanderer due to lack of good combo tools.
Love the game. Great mechanics and good weapon combos. Wish there was a skip option instead of always having to buy an upgrade.
Also, Bo seems different with update. Sometimes the enemy doesn't get turned, and once an enemy got turned while ready to strike and didn't hit the guy behind him.
Excited to see what new classes, weapons, and enemies might look like.
I've been playing for a few hours, the game is so good!
I'm yet to beat it on normal mode, really curious what the hard mode will be like. I think the difficulty is reasonable, I just need to make better calls on buying vs rerolling and use the slide past enemy mechanic more.
Looking forward to future updates :)
In terms of feedback, one thing I've noticed is that when I return to the game I don't often keep my unlocks. Maybe it would be better to just leave everything unlocked until that is polished out somehow?
I also am yet to use the wanderer because it seems like their skills would be bad to have. Curious to see if this is just a preference thing or not.
I can see that with the hp, although I feel like Ronan is stronger because of the movement ability and semi-range ability.
That being said, assassin is probably the worst. The unique damage doubling ability is neat, but not super useful most of the time. Nothing besides the boss has over 5 health (on normal mode) and that isn't too tough to get (in weapon damage).
I've been working on a speedrun which is why I'm nerding out lol, they can't put a timer on the top if they don't want me to beat it fast. Weird that the timer isn't shown in the shop or upgrade screen, but is ticking up while in the shop.
Ronin is the only character that has exclusively items I want to start with. For assassin: sword is great and curse is borderline useless. For wanderer: I wouldn't go with bow or swirl unless I had to. Bow is okay, but not as good as: smoke bomb, spear, sword, grappling hook, or fan. Swirl is my favorite move, but only when my opponent has it. The 10 health is pretty nuts though.
I think this is really reflected in hard mode, having smoke bomb is even more important when opponents do more damage and have more health. But even just late game in normal this is true, without smoke bomb and a 4-5 damage spear, those grapple sword guys are way harder. I prefer to get 2 smoke bombs honestly, one that I reduce cooldown and one with poison.
in hard mode push is like 10x worse than swap and im not much smoke bomb since swap does kinda the same and is only really useful against specific attacks. curse is great against bosses and can combined with the sword really help against the 3 health guys early. swirl and arrow are not great but def work fine for me and 1 CD is great for an attacks dealing 2 damage. ronins only good thing is spear imo push is horrible and smoke is mediocre. but different playstyles maybe. also going to start trying out smoke more to see if i missed something.
What a great game! The concept is simple yet innovative, the art-style and music are beautiful, and the potential the mechanics have is just huge. Looking forward to future updates!
Feedback: There was a crash at the end of the video
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Clever mechanics!
Loving this game so far. It would be nice to be able to know what an enemy attack does before it happens, but learning from experience hasn’t been too painful.
Kowa the Coward makes me hurt every time. He's not too hard, just annoying.
you can get (almost) infinite money buy turning one hp into 2 gold and buying a 3 hp potion for 1 gold
amazing infinte money giltech (its just trading)
problem is that shop goes out of stock fairly fast. and potion stock is kept between runs meaning its hard to do this more than once
the first and 3rd boss are always possible to perfect and I think the final one is as well, the second boss is the only one you can't always perfect I think this needs to be changed as the "final boss" for where it is in the game is way easier than the second boss. I understand it freezing you is bad but I've only had it hit me once.
I think this could be done by implementing a weapon that turns you around and then attacks so you could always just swap with the boss or making a boss 2 parts so there was more of a challenge EX: splitting the double attack boss into 2 double attack bosses that are slightly different
Agreed. Second boss's minion summoning adds complication whereas all others are easy enough to turn around or dash by to avoid every attack.
Same here
awesome game.
fun game!
i honor thou Shogun game dev. and thou suggests that this should be turned into a great mobile game as well as a steam game. thou samurai salutes you
And I salute you!
i am truly honoured to have been replied by the great game dev that created this masterpiece and made it free. thou has earned a million thanks.
backstab with either shadow dash or bo is really good, especially since you can stack criticals with the backstab!
i salute all players of this game.
Great game! You can easily outmanoeuvre the first boss, but aside from that the difficulty curve is already quite good, and I will definitely play again.
Amazing game, very hard
Is it intentional for the backstab perk's extra damage not to get doubled by a critical hit? I was noticing that it didn't multiply when I used the assassin's curse thing, for example 2 damage sword + 1 backstab perk + curse had an output of 5 damage.
Not sure if it's intentional or a bug, although I can understand if it wasn't because a bo -> curse -> sword attack queue could do some pretty unbalanced damage. As it is I was able to deal 11 damage in one hit with the level 3 backstab perk, which seems like a lot for just a few turns of setup
I like it! It's a very nice strategy game that really makes you think ahead. I can't wait to see more added!
I would love to see a PvP mode where you can battle with or against your friends somehow.
such a good game! great work :D
Very fun. Really enjoyed it. Great active take on turn based combat.
What does the electric effect do? Im on the web version so I might be missing something
I'm not sure, but I think it goes through neighbor enemies, and when it does that it also increases the damage maybe?
If there's two or more enemies, it deals 1 damage to the whole group as well as the attack's normal damage.
Probably the least useful of the elemental effects, but it only gives +1 cooldown so you can use it to take out fast enemies hiding behind tankier ones sometimes without much downside.
It is good on spear though.
It makes so if two are more enemies that are next to each other, every enemy behind the one you hit takes 1 damage. It can be useful in certain situations.
When you hit an enemy with electricity if it is connecting to at least one other enemy, it and all connecting enemies take 1 more damage.
class only cards
like a card for the wanderer only
the card assassin has rn could become a real card but could not be obtained by other classes
New class and card idea
Card: Channel: deal 2 damage to 2 random enemies 5 CD
Class: Monk: Push 8 hp Cards=Channel+Dragon punch
This is a lot of fun, the trap is a bit OP, and the bomb is bad (in my opinion), I think the classes are interesting and are excited about more weapons and classes. One last thing, I think the Ronin need a minor buff like maybe 2 more HP or something. Overall, a lot of fun, and excited for more.
I speedran the normal difficulty with Ronan in 13:45, it was nice to go from not being able to beat it to speedrunning it. Maybe give it a look :)
A creative rogue game
also, why do the ronin and the assasin have half as much hp as the wanderer?
Because Wanderer is easy mode.
3 item ideas
1. Kabutowari deals 3 damage to the enemy behind you 5 cd
2. spirit deals 1 damage to every enemy in front of you 3 cd
3. hocho flips you around and deals 1 damage 1 cd
I would be upgrading spirit damage so fast lol, but maybe if it starts with only one upgrade slot that could work. Or even zero, that way every damage upgrade would require 2 upgrade screens. Otherwise people would get a 5 damage spirit and start blastin
atleast 1 US cause that would be so fun
I thought of another idea for a dark spirit that is similar but does 0 damage to the first enemy 1 to the second 2 to the third etc.
the enemies with grappling hooks and swords suck, please make their sword do 1 or something I've died 3 times in a row on floor 10
You just have to be careful
thanks for the advice
Something that helps also helps with the grappling hooks are cards like shadow force and fire.
Great work!
Love this game! Recommended :)
Is it possible for this game to become mobile?
I don't have plans for this yet
Immediately got the update when I saw it was out and played with the other two classes. Such a good game :)
I'm loving this game, completed all Normal, heading into Hard mode.
I couldn't help myself to think of new weapons and class.
1-Dagger: hits behind you and pivots your direction, 1dmg 3CD
2-Caltrop: drops caltrops trap on each side of the character, 1dmg, 4CD
3-Oil flask: range attack, hits first target and the one behind, 1dmg 5CD
4-kick : Pushes target in front by one and pushes the player one back, 1 dmg, 4CD
Class Monk: 1 hp, starts with Fire attack and aura (which gives one shield, and knocks by 1 behind and in front, 1 dmg)
Hope to see more stuff from this game!
Thank you for the feedback and the ideas!
love this game to the point where i'm challenging myself to do all obliteration on hard mode with each character. so far only completed wanderer here is my run for it even though i made multiple mistakes i managed to do it. finding all the other characters way harder then wanderer due to lack of good combo tools.
Amazing :D
Love the game. Great mechanics and good weapon combos. Wish there was a skip option instead of always having to buy an upgrade.
Also, Bo seems different with update. Sometimes the enemy doesn't get turned, and once an enemy got turned while ready to strike and didn't hit the guy behind him.
Excited to see what new classes, weapons, and enemies might look like.
reply with your favorite class
assasin most fun
wanderer best
it just crashed on floor nine upgrade screen when i was on my best run :C
I bought an upgrade, it gave me the option to reroll, I pressed it and it crashed
Thanks for the bug report, I'll fix this in the next update!
goodbye life hello shogun showdown
I'm yet to beat it on normal mode, really curious what the hard mode will be like. I think the difficulty is reasonable, I just need to make better calls on buying vs rerolling and use the slide past enemy mechanic more.
Looking forward to future updates :)
In terms of feedback, one thing I've noticed is that when I return to the game I don't often keep my unlocks. Maybe it would be better to just leave everything unlocked until that is polished out somehow?
I also am yet to use the wanderer because it seems like their skills would be bad to have. Curious to see if this is just a preference thing or not.
Shogun Showdown | Free New Samurai Roguelike 2022 - YouTube
the wanderer is the most powerful as they start of with a ranged attack the swirl attack (both good) but mostly because they have twice as much hp
I can see that with the hp, although I feel like Ronan is stronger because of the movement ability and semi-range ability.
That being said, assassin is probably the worst. The unique damage doubling ability is neat, but not super useful most of the time. Nothing besides the boss has over 5 health (on normal mode) and that isn't too tough to get (in weapon damage).
I've been working on a speedrun which is why I'm nerding out lol, they can't put a timer on the top if they don't want me to beat it fast. Weird that the timer isn't shown in the shop or upgrade screen, but is ticking up while in the shop.
ronin is very bad cause all the cards has so long CD and push is way worse than swap if you know how to use it.
assassin has best cards cause 1CD 2D is very good and crit can be great against bosses and in the early game against the 3 health things
wanderer is the best cause 10 hp is great and the cards are fine. sacrificing health in the shop can sometimes be great.
Ronin is the only character that has exclusively items I want to start with. For assassin: sword is great and curse is borderline useless. For wanderer: I wouldn't go with bow or swirl unless I had to. Bow is okay, but not as good as: smoke bomb, spear, sword, grappling hook, or fan. Swirl is my favorite move, but only when my opponent has it. The 10 health is pretty nuts though.
I think this is really reflected in hard mode, having smoke bomb is even more important when opponents do more damage and have more health. But even just late game in normal this is true, without smoke bomb and a 4-5 damage spear, those grapple sword guys are way harder. I prefer to get 2 smoke bombs honestly, one that I reduce cooldown and one with poison.
in hard mode push is like 10x worse than swap and im not much smoke bomb since swap does kinda the same and is only really useful against specific attacks. curse is great against bosses and can combined with the sword really help against the 3 health guys early. swirl and arrow are not great but def work fine for me and 1 CD is great for an attacks dealing 2 damage. ronins only good thing is spear imo push is horrible and smoke is mediocre. but different playstyles maybe. also going to start trying out smoke more to see if i missed something.
What a great game! The concept is simple yet innovative, the art-style and music are beautiful, and the potential the mechanics have is just huge. Looking forward to future updates!
Feedback: There was a crash at the end of the video
Thanks :D
The bug you run into should be solved in the latest build.
Yes such a great simple game.
I wonder if a player vs player mode could work with these mechanics...
I like the turn-based aspect of the combat.
Already very polished!
been playing for just over and hour and its so fun
What an amazing game ! Please continue improving and adding content.
If you could add a little tooltip to explain keywords like ice, or lightning, it would be so nice.
and also what the weapons do when you are choosing to buy them