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This game is really cool! A really nice concept!



Hahahahaha. My most close one is a zero cool down ice blade, but without play free. And shogun just cannot move twice.

so I almost just lost.



i believe you can farm gold in the coward boss.

There's also a "exploit" to get some gold using the stored potions and trading your life for money.

stored potions are limited though so the coward trick is likely better overall


Great game bro! I paid 2$ because I think you and your game deserve it.

I have some bugs to report. 

Taking time stop potion and finish the last enemy within 3 steps, the settlement screen will stay grey.

The "死" mark will be turned left and right upside downwhen the marked enemy turns around.

My English is not very good. Hope I had conveyed what I want to say.

Thanks again for this awesome game. I can't wait to buy it 


I love it! It's the best game I found these days!


Wonderful game bro!


No advice, I just love it :)


This game is awesome! The battle system is really fun, and I think overall it is fair but challenging. Though there are some things I have to say

1.Maybe add an attack that turns you around, maybe a back kick. A lot of times I wish I could turn during my attacks.

2. The first boss can be defeated without damage easily with a swapping character. Just wait for the dash attack and swap. Maybe give him a ranged attack so you can't just keep hopping out of range?

To be honest most of, if not all the bosses can be done the same way once you have an idea of their pattern such as first boss usually follows pattern of Sword, Spin, Dash. or the second boss, who is in my option the hardest boss since he both summons and has the shield which is a pain to deal with unless you have multiple attacks queued or poison. If not a swap position attack a rotation attack can be just as effective for them and having a knock back such as Dragon Fist for when the boss is right up on you and you want to do damage and avoid an attack like swing or sword.  The third and final boss can be tricky since they bring the ranged element and as well as having some attacks with "Effects" on them such as the freeze arrows on the final or the double swing from the third.  Most of the time the thing which will get you is not the bosses but the main enemies from the stages prior to them.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi Roboatino, I meant to bring up a bug I found the other day during the "Bo" run.  On Stage 3, the Sunset or Orange stage, the grapple enemies had a weird interaction. If the Grapple Enemy (GE) had to pull another enemy towards it to attack the first strike of the grapple would count 100% of the time but on the 2nd sword attack would hit maybe 10% of the time. If the GE had someone directly behind them or if they had previously pulled the  close enemy both attacks  would hit 100% of the time if you bowed them.  I don't know if this is a bug or a friendly fire mechanic.

Another thing I would like to suggest is on "Swing" the tile for it to rotate the character's orientation when used.  For example if say boss 1 used it since it doesn't use double swing it would be facing the opposite direction when the spin is complete.  Where as if boss 3 uses it since it uses the double swing affect it would be facing the original orientation.

Thanks for the bug report and feedback!


Will you be releasing the full version on

Probably! :D

(1 edit) (+2)

Ok I wasn't the biggest fan of "Bo" at first but after taking it early on my "Hard" run with the wander and getting a 2x CD reduction; a 1x CD; and electricity.  It single handedly soloed every boss... With help from my other damage sources.  But having the ability to rotate the direction of an enemy to make them miss is fantastic.  The poor Shogun was like a spinning top. XD... Brings to mind the song covered by Alvin and the Chipmunks singing "You spin me right round..."


Great game, enjoyed a lot!


Do you guys plan to make a mobile version?


No concrete plans for a mobile version yet..


Super awesome game! Had a great time playing! Evreything felt very sharp and clean, and I can't wait to play more! My only thing is maybe have some description on what each ability does when you hover over it. I think everyone here, unless they have gotten to use the assassin's first ability, dont know what it is.

Thank you! :D

What is that Free Play! that costs 4 cooldown? Sounds like no cooldown but adds 4???

It allows you to play the tile without triggering the enemies' actions.  It can be good but i generally only use it if I I can reduce the CD to null before picking it up since there is a cap of 7 CD.  Though I have seen a few tiles with free play go just above 7 CD so I'm not sure if there is individual CD limits per tile or if there is a grace limit to allow you to pick up the upgrade if its within a 7~8 max CD

Thank you!


This game is very awesome!  I do find it hard to use the trap and bomb.  Especially the bomb b/c it lays it at your feet  and you have the "Shadow Dash" + a free gap between enemies it difficult to navigate away from the bombs blast.  The trap however is fairly easy to use except for the cases where you throw the trap on top of an enemy, they move towards you and unless you have the push guy you have to either find another way to kill the enemy or to do  some mental gymnastics to finagle the enemy back into the trap. My suggestion would be to either make the bomb spawn 1 more tile away from the player or may have an upgrade specific to the trap and bomb for them to be thrown an extra tile away from the player.   The only other thing I would critique would be the steep reroll price inflation for doing multiple rerolls especially if you want to cycle thru the upgrades since you only get one upgrade option.  I don't disagree their needs to be a higher price per reroll but if for example you get 3x "Free Play" which cost 5x charges but you don't have any tile which can take it and you are locked to take it.  This will softlock the game for a  player.  I do see the amount it goes up by is 2 at a fixed rate but early on the  amount of coins a player would have will be limited.  I would suggest maybe 1 free reroll and then it goes up by a fixed amount or have it stair step price rate increases by region. Example would be rerolls in first region would increase at a rate of 1, region 2 by 2, and so on. And in some case since a player is forced to chose and upgrade or tile and can not skip some cases a player might just save money for the shop just to buy it out and not be able to spend any more since there is not a reroll system in the shop.  Either way this game is fantastic and I do wish you well in the development of this game.  This is a 5 Star game!

Hey bud, if I can give you a tip next time you run the trap. Get the grapple hook and pull guys into the trap. It works like a charm! But good suggestions otherwise. 

(1 edit)

Thanks, I've also found smoke bomb while standing on top of a trap helps.  I finally got a good bomb run just to get  surrounded by the dash guys right before the boss XD.  Btw do you know if it's supposed to default back to normal if you die in hard mode?

Thanks for the feedback!


Hey Roboatino, loving the game my dude! This is better than a lot of 'so called' triple-A titles you see nowadays. Keep up the amazing work! Can't wait to spend actual money on this.

Had a bit of a weird bug in my last run where the shuriken got stuck in the BOTTOM slot of my attack queue. I couldn't interact with it at all for several battles even though it would show over the attack that was placed in the 1st position. Until somehow during a battle I somehow managed to click and drag it by accident and as SOON as I dropped it on the queue again the game crashed. I'll attach a pic below if that helps coz there is an error code. I also managed to catch a video of it which I'll throw up to G Drive if you want to see it, but you can let me know.

Anyway, thanks again!

Thank you! (and thanks for the bug report!)


the begining weapons are really good and it is actully pretty easy to beat the shogun with only the begining weapons


i obliterated the shogun the first run i reached him.


This is such a great game. The base mechanics feel smooth, though I do have a few notes.

First of all, a funny one: I didn't know what the assassins ability did at first, so I looked it up. But when you look up "Shogun Showdown Assassin" it's just a bunch of videos of the shogun showdown level of Hitman Silent Assassin, so you might have some issues there with the relation.

Secondly, later in the game the final enemies attack way too fast. While the health feels fine, having enemies on both sides ready to attack within two turns of spawning requires some REALLY specific contrivances to get through with skill, and at that point it's kind of already significantly luck based. I will admit, roguelikes are known for their RNG, and I have gotten better at some of the early attacks.

Thirdly, keep the first boss the same. It feels like an amazing first hurdle for players, and fighting him every run significantly increased my understanding of how the games mechanics worked considering knowing them allows you to no-hit him, and to no-hit him you need to know them well. It's really fun.

Fourthly, I kind of feel like the kid telling the teacher that they forgot to collect homework, so I'm just gonna put it out there that there are a few glitches that can be abused to do more than you're supposed to be allowed to.

Anyways, keep going with this please! It's very fantastic, and I can't wait for updates!


Thanks for the feedback! :D


DUDe this game is tight!


I defeated the Shogun and survived with 1HP, WOOHOO! I love it :)


I finally unlocked all items!


It was fun :D


very good game!


This was really good!


Please turn this into a full game i will give you all of my money

Working on it ;)


This game is truly a masterpiece! I have played it almost every day for the past 2 weeks and finished both normal and hard mode for each of the 3 heroes. I cannot wait for more content to be added to this game and watch how it grows. All I humbly ask of the dev is to never give up on this project as you have a diamond in your hands! Well done dev

Thank you! :D

I know nothing of how development works, but what can we expect next and when can we expect it. I have still played this game everyday since making this comment.


I'm busy working on the next update: version 0.2! It should come out in a couple of weeks (not making promises though)

Well irrespective of when it is released, you can be assured I am looking forward to it and will more than likely be playing it as soon as it comes out! On a side note, I think I may have the best possible time for the normal assassin run. Not sure how it happened though . . . 


I freaking love this. 


this is unplayable on trackpad, please add an options menu


Fortress triggers when going into the shops too allowing you to sell the shield then get it back

Bombs count down during frozen time


just completed hard mode using a 0cd 2 dmg bo staff turning all enemies on each other ... it felt amazing



i aslo have some recomendations but not ones to improuve the game just some ideas for cards and also one hero idea

- a parry card that blocks the next incoming attack but does no damage this might be a bit op so you could give it a long cooldown

-sword dash just a casual sword dash thats 2 tiles long and peirces enemies. (you can pick  the amount of damage)

- if this is not already a card then i suggest a cross bow that deals 2 damage has a long reload and fires 1 less tile then a bow

Hero idea: i would suggest a monk or a archer / crossbow man the archer would start with two arrows and 5hp and the monk would have a bo staff and some sort of heal spell that heals 1hp and takes forever to reload (you can put any other spell for him too, just heal sounds like a monk thing).

Anyone feel free to reply if you have more ideas.

life steal: steals life


life steal: fortnite

Why does the crossbow do the same as a bow it should deal like 3 but have Max. CD.

(1 edit) (+3)

Thanks for this great game! I've had a lot of fun with it, it reminds me of Into the Breach a lot, though the synergies and and perks give it it's own fun flavor. Overall, it's very well made and quite polished. Like many other roguelikes, I really sucked my first few runs, could hardly even get to the second boss at first, and now after a few days I am like untouchable and just speedran a hitless run, so for other players who are struggling, just keep at it. It's a fun game to master. Anyways, here's some feedback/recomendations for the dev:

  • The bosses are in a weird order. The final Shogun Showdown is probably one of the easiest floors considering by that point you are super OP and can just evade attacks from a single target. The second boss on the other hand is always the most tedious, due to the fact that this game gets harder not through having stronger enemies, but by having more enemies and trickier options. I think if you want to keep it a solo fight (which I think would be cool), maybe introduce some extra gimmick or ability that the final boss alone has (maybe he can double move, or dodge your attacks, or is unaffected by freeze, or maybe he will get to move before you unlike the usual telegraphed enemies)
  • Would be nice to have an endless mode or a harder hard mode. Like I mentioned, just increasing the stats for doesn't actually make this type of game any harder. My strategies didn't need to adapt at all, it just took slightly longer to kill things. Also maybe remove potions from hard mode?
  • The tutorial is really well made (and I don't think needs to be modified at all), though some other parts of the game were left ambiguous, such as the assassin's double damage spell, or enemy abilities the first time I saw them. In hindsight, it was fun figuring these things out myself so maybe you can leave them ambiguous, but it was slightly weird when I was first learning the game and I expect a lot of new players will want to be able to see what those attacks actually do. 

Anyways, thanks for the fun few hours I've put into the game, I look forward to seeing where it goes!


- True.. The last boss (Shogun) was easier because you ether have lower cooldown on your blinks or evades or just plain tank the damage (potions) and DPS the boss

Thank you for the feedback! :D


hi man, great game, did you market your game in any way or it just blew up on it's own?

I was made aware of it by a fairly large youtube channel, so that could be a factor.

(1 edit)

No, it just happened (with a little help from Retromation's youtube video :D)

thank you guys


I finally reached the Shogun! Finishing the game was actually easier than I thought. I guess I'll have to play hard mode now :o


You've done a great job here! This is awesome! 


This game is like super addicting

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